object-table (v2) (deprecated)

object-table v2 is considered deprecated

Support for object-table v2 may be dropped in future versions of the JourneyApps Runtime. Please upgrade your app to use object-table v3 to ensure that your app remains compatible with the JourneyApps Runtime.

Version compatibility

object-table v2 was introduced in version 4.24.0 of the JourneyApps Container.

Top-level attributes


<object-table limit="20" ...

Column-level attributes


<column search="true" ... />


All columns are sortable. Click on a column header to sort it, and again to toggle ascending/descending order.

If a column consists solely of numbers, it will be sorted by numeric value. Similarly, if the column can be matched as a date, the date value is used instead of the display value. Finally, it is possible to specify a sort-value attribute (see table above) to override this default behavior when the display value no longer represents the underlying scalar value (for example the display value being: Percent: {number}%)


Version compatibility

This feature was introduced in version 4.27 of the JourneyApps Container.

Object tables have two possible modes:

  1. paginate (Paginating mode) (default)

  2. scroll (Fixed height mode)

Note that for each of the two modes, limit has a different function.


<object-table mode="scroll" limit="10" ... />

Row and Cell Formatting

Version compatibility

This feature was introduced in version 4.32 of the JourneyApps Container.

Row vs Cell styling

  • To style a specific cell, the property should be added to the <column> tag.

  • To style an entire row, the property should be added to the <object-table> tag.


<!-- Adding style-bold here will bold the entire row if shouldBeBold returns true for that row -->
<object-table query="transactions" style-bold="$:shouldBeBold($object)">
    <column heading="Title">{title}</column>
    <!-- Adding style-background-color here styles each cell in the column individually -->
    <column heading="Type" style-background-color="$:determineBackgroundColor($object)">{type}</column>

Styleable properties


<object-table query="transactions">
    <column heading="Title">{title}</column>
    <column heading="Type" style-background-color="$:determineBackgroundColor($object)">{type}</column>
function determineBackgroundColor(obj) {
    if (obj.type == 'Income') {
        return 'positive';
    } else {
        // This is an expense
        return 'negative';


Styles can be computed programmatically using JavaScript/TypeScript.


function getStyle(obj) {
    // Return an object with all the same properties listed in the table above
    // Properties do not have `style-` in front of them
    // Camel-case is used instead of dashes
    return {
        align: 'left',
        bold: true,
        italics: true,
        underline: true,
        strikethrough: true,
        // Colors can be hex or named
        color: 'positive',
        backgroundColor: 'positive',
        iconColor: 'positive'


  • Returning an empty object will apply no styling

  • Properties omitted from the returned object will not be affected

Editing Cells

Version compatibility

This feature was introduced in version 4.32 of the JourneyApps Container.

To make a cell editable, add an <edit- entry into the column. Valid options include edit-text, edit-number, edit-boolean, edit-date, edit-datetime and edit-select. They are explained in more detail below.

Display and edit flow


<object-table query="users">
    <!-- The display value of the column moves into `display` -->
    <column heading="Name" display="{name}">
        <!-- `value` is the initial value shown when the user edits the cell -->
        <!-- `on-change` is run when the users is done changing the value -->
        <!-- Note that $object is exposed here for quick referencing -->
        <edit-text value="$object.name" on-change="$:runOnChange($object, newValue, oldValue)" />

Properties on <edit-

Caveat: Prepend $: to the on-change function

If you return false from your on-change function, be sure to prepend $: to your on-change value, e.g. $:updateValue($object, newValue, oldValue). This allows JourneyApps to handle the returned value correctly.


<object-table query="items">
    <column heading="Description">{description}</column>
        <!-- Display the cost with a $ sign, e.g. $12 -->
        <column heading="Cost" display="${cost}">
        <!-- When the user edits the number, don't display the $ sign, only 12 -->
        <edit-number value="$object.cost" on-change="$:updateCost($object, newValue)" />
function updateCost(obj, newValue, oldValue) {
    if (isValidCost(newValue)) {
        obj.cost = newValue;
    } else {
        notification.error("Invalid cost value");
        // The cell will revert back to edit mode, allowing the user to correct the data that caused the validation error
        return false;

<edit- types

User Experience Tip: Specify an orderBy on your query

Since the default ordering for queries is by modification date, editing the value of an object's field via edit- will cause that object to be the last modified one. This causes your query to reload and the last modified object will be at the end of the list, creating the impression that it disappeared. To prevent this from happening, be sure to specify an orderBy on your query on something other than the modification date, e.g. DB.user.all().orderBy('name'). This keeps the ordering stable, resulting in better user experience.

edit-select examples

Example 1

Simple string array

<object-table query="users">
    <column heading="Name"> {name} </column>
        <!-- favorite_color is a string, one of: "Red", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow" -->
        <column heading="Favorite color" display="{favorite_color}">
        <edit-select options="$:getColorOptions()" value="$object.favorite_color" on-change="$:updateFavoriteColor($object, newValue, oldValue)" />
function getColorOptions() {
    return ["Red", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"];

function updateFavoriteColor(obj, newValue, oldValue) {
    obj.favorite_color = newValue;

Example 2

Array of {key, value} objects

<object-table query="users">
    <column heading="Name"> {name} </column>
        <!-- favorite_color is a string, one of: "r", "p", "b", "g", "y" -->
    <column heading="Favorite color" display="{favorite_color}">
        <!-- Dropdown will display "Red", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow" -->
        <edit-select options="$:getColorOptions()" value="$object.favorite_color" on-change="$:updateFavoriteColor($object, newValue, oldValue)" />
function getColorOptions() {
    return [
            key: 'r',
            value: "Red"
            key: 'p',
            value: "Purple"
            key: 'b',
            value: "Blue"
            key: 'g',
            value: "Green"
            key: 'y',
            value: "Yellow"

function updateFavoriteColor(obj, newValue, oldValue) {
    // newValue is one of "r", "p", "b", "g", "y"
    obj.favorite_color = newValue;

Example 3

Using a single object with key and value

<object-table query="users">
    <column heading="Name"> {name} </column>
    <!-- favorite_color is a string, one of: "r", "p", "b", "g", "y" -->
    <column heading="Favorite color" display="{favorite_color}">
        <!-- Dropdown will display "Red", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow" -->
        <edit-select options="$:getColorOptions()" value="$object.favorite_color" on-change="$:updateFavoriteColor($object, newValue, oldValue)" />
function getColorOptions() {
    return {
        'r': "Red",
        'p': "Purple",
        'b': "Blue",
        'g': "Green",
        'y': "Yellow"

function updateFavoriteColor(obj, newValue, oldValue) {
    // newValue is one of "r", "p", "b", "g", "y"
    obj.favorite_color = newValue;

Cell-level actions

Version compatibility

This feature was introduced in version 4.32 of the JourneyApps Container.

To apply an action on a cell-click level, add an <action> to the <column> tag.

        <!-- `icon` is displayed on the right-hand-side of the cell -->
        <action on-press="processAction($object)" icon="ion-chevron-right" />

For example:

<object-table query="items">
    <column heading="Name">
    <column heading="Cost" display="{cost}">
        <action on-press="$:inspectCost($object)" icon="ion-chevron-right" />

Object Table Actions

Version compatibility

This feature was introduced in version 4.34.6 of the JourneyApps Container.

Object Table Actions enable additional buttons to be appended to the controls area of an object table. Additionally, these buttons can call functions passing the current data in the object table.

For example:

<object-table label="My Table" limit="17" empty-message="Your items will appear here" query="employees" mode="paginate">
    <column heading="Name">{name}</column>
    <column heading="Date" show-if="false">{date}</column>
        <button icon="fa-download" label="Export CSV" on-press="exportCSV($filteredData, filteredDisplayData, controls)"/>
        <button icon="fa-envelope" label="Email" on-press="exportCSV($filteredData, filteredDisplayData, controls)"/>


Each of the buttons call a function in their on-press attribute with the following three parameters:

  1. $filteredData: An object of the form {columns: string[], rows: DatabaseObject[]}. DatabaseObject refers to the familiar JourneyApps object that can be used to update values in the database.

  2. filteredDisplayData: An object of the form {columns: string[], rows: string[][]}. The rows correspond to the text currently displayed in the table. This object can be directly passed to CSV's stringify function to create a CSV export of the table's data.

  3. controls: An object of the form {page: number, totalPages: number, limit: number, filters: {string: string[]}}. This represents the current state of the search criteria and filters applied to the object table.

In both parameters where data is passed to the function the sort order and current table filters are applied to the data.

User Experience Tip: Use mode="split" on the button-group

When you have more than one button in the button-group and would like to emphasize one of them, use mode="split". This will display the first button in the group and place the rest in an Action Sheet.

Example: One-click CSV export

<model name="employee" label="Employee">
  <field name="name" label="Name" type="text:name" />
<view title="CSV Export">
    <var name="employees" type="query:employee" />
    <object-table label="Employees" query="employees">
        <column heading="Name">{name}</column>
            <button icon="fa-download" label="Export CSV" on-press="exportCSV($filteredData, filteredDisplayData, controls)"/>
function exportCSV(filteredData, filteredDisplayData, controls) {
    var data = CSV.stringify(filteredDisplayData);
    saveFile(data, 'data.csv');

Last updated